Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources

Life Below Water

Goal 14 is about conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources. Healthy oceans and seas are essential to human existence and life on Earth.

The Ocean is intrinsic to our life on earth. Covering three-quarters of the Earth’s surface, contain 97 percent of the Earth’s water, and represent 99 percent of the living space on the planet by volume.

They provide key natural resources including food, medicines, biofuels and other products; help with the breakdown and removal of waste and pollution; and their coastal ecosystems act as buffers to reduce damage from storms. They also act as the planet’s greatest carbon sink.

Worryingly, marine pollution is reaching extreme levels, with over 17 million metric tons clogging the ocean in 2021, a figure set to double or triple by 2040. Plastic is the most harmful type of ocean pollution.

Currently, the ocean’s average pH is 8.1 which is about 30 per cent more acidic than in pre- industrial times. Ocean acidification threatens the survival of marine life, disrupts the food web, and undermines vital services provided by the ocean and our own food security.

Careful management of this essential global resource is a key feature of a sustainable future. This includes increasing funding for ocean science, intensifying conservation efforts, and urgently turning the tide on climate change to safeguard the planet’s largest ecosystem. Current efforts to protect are not yet meeting the urgent need to safeguard this vast, yet fragile, resource.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Agreement on the Preparation of a Tripartite Environmental Management Programme for Lake Victoria

1994 T g

Agreement on the Preservation of the Confidentiality of Data Concerning Deep Seabed Areas

1986 T g

Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

1997 T g

Agreement on the Protection of Confidentiality of Data Related to Deep Sea-bed Areas for Which Application of Authorisation Has Been Made

1984 T g

Agreement on the Regulation of North Pacific Whaling

1970 T g

Agreement on the Resolution of Practical Problems with Respect to Deep Seabed Mining Areas

1987 T g

Agreement on Transboundary Cooperation with a View to Preventing or Limiting Harmful Effects for Human Beings, Property or the Environment in the Event of Accidents

1989 T g

Agreement Regarding the Regulation of Plaice and Flounder Fishing in the Baltic Sea

1929 T g

Agreement Relating to a Joint Ocean Weather Station in the North Atlantic

1949 T g

Agreement Relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982

1994 T g

Agreement Relating to the International Convention for Regulating the Police of the North Sea Fisheries

1955 T g

Agreement Respecting the Whangpoo Conservancy

1905 T g

Agreement to Promote Compliance with the International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas

1993 Rome Italy T g

Agroecology Fund

AEF 2012 F f


1992 Erskineville NSW Australia G


1998 San Francisco CA USA D

Air and Waste Management Association

A and WMA 1907 Pittsburgh PA USA G

Åland Foundation for the Future of the Baltic Sea

1989 Mariehamn Finland N f

Albert Schweitzer Fellowship

1939 Boston MA USA G

Albertine Rift Conservation Society

ARCOS 1995 Cambridge UK E

Alcoa Foundation

1952 F f

Aleut International Association

AIA 1998 Anchorage AK USA G


1999 Long Beach CA USA G

All-Africa Students Union

AASU 1972 Accra Ghana D

Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa

AGRA 2006 Nairobi Kenya F

Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa

AFSA 2008 Kampala Uganda D

Alliance for Zero Extinction

AZE 2005 The Plains VA USA C y

Alliance homme-environnement d'Afrique, Congo DR


Alliance of International Science Organizations

ANSO 2018 Beijing China C y

Alliance of Leading Environmental Researchers & Thinkers


Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums

AMMPA 1987 Alexandria VA USA G y

Alliance of NGOs and CSOs for South-South Cooperation

ANCSSC 2018 London UK J

Alliance pour la Préservation des Forêts

APF Paris France G

Alliance to End Plastic Waste

AEPW 2019 Dover DE USA C

Alpine Ibex European Specialist Group

GSE-AIESG 1988 Turin Italy E


Brussels Belgium F y

Amazon Center for Environmental Education and Research

ACEER 1991 G

Amazon Conservation Team

ACT Falls Church VA USA G

Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization

ACTO 1998 Brasilia Brazil D g

Amendments to the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution

1995 T g

Amendments to the Protocol for the Prevention of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft

1995 T g

Amendments to the Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution from Land-based Sources and Activities

1996 T g

American Academy of Environmental Medicine

AAEM 1965 Wichita KS USA N v

American Fisheries Society

AFS 1870 Bethesda MD USA G v


2014 E g


1977 Brussels Belgium D

Amphibian Ark

AArk 2007 Apple Valley MN USA E y

Amphibian Survival Alliance

ASA 2011 Austin TX USA C

Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems

AnaEE-ERIC 2022 Gif-sur-Yvette France E

Andean Institute of Ecology and Development

Cusco Peru G j
