Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Responsible Consumption & Production

Goal 12 is about ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns, which is key to sustain the livelihoods of current and future generations.

Our planet is running out of resources, but populations are continuing to grow. If the global population reaches 9.8 billion by 2050, the equivalent of almost three planets will be required to provide the natural resources needed to sustain current lifestyles.

We need to change our consumption habits, and shifting our energy supplies to more sustainable ones are one of the main changes we must make if we are going to reduce our consumption levels. However, global crises triggered a resurgence in fossil fuel subsidies, nearly doubling from 2020 to 2021.

We are seeing promising changes in industries, including the trend towards sustainability reporting being on the rise, almost tripling the amount of published sustainability over just a few years, showing increased levels of commitment and awareness that sustainability should be at the core of business practices.

Food waste is another sign of over consumption, and tackling food loss is urgent and requires dedicated policies, informed by data, as well as investments in technologies, infrastructure, education and monitoring. A staggering 931 million tons of food is wasted a year, despite a huge number of the global population going hungry.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Alliance for Responsible and Sustainable Societies

Wellington New Zealand E

Alliance for Responsible Mining

ARM 2004 Medellin Colombia D

Alliance for Social and Ecological Consumer Organisations


Alliance for Synthetic Fuels in Europe

ASFE 2006 Brussels Belgium F

Alliance for the Freedom of Car Repair in the EU

AFCAR Brussels Belgium E y

Alliance for Water Stewardship

AWS North Berwick UK C y

Alliance for Zero Extinction

AZE 2005 The Plains VA USA C y

Alliance of Business Women International

ABWI 1995 Atlanta GA USA G

Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums

AMMPA 1987 Alexandria VA USA G y

Alliance of NGOs and CSOs for South-South Cooperation

ANCSSC 2018 London UK J

Alliance of Russian Solidarists

1930 Frankfurt-Main Germany G

Alliance pour la Préservation des Forêts

APF Paris France G

Alpine Ibex European Specialist Group

GSE-AIESG 1988 Turin Italy E

alterNativa - Intercanvi amb Pobles Indigenes

1986 Barcelona Spain G

Alternativas Latinoamericanas de Desarrollo Humano y Estudios Antropológicos

ALDHEA 2005 Quito Ecuador J

Alternativas Sostenibles de Desarrollo

ASDE Barcelona Spain G

Alternative Action for African Development

1988 G

Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma

ALTSEAN Burma 1996 Bangkok Thailand G

Alternative Information and Development Centre

AIDC 1996 Cape Town South Africa G

Alternative Investment Management Association

AIMA 1990 London UK D

Alternative Missions

Ferndale WA USA N

Alternative Trade Mandate Alliance

ATM 2011 J ty

Alternatives - Action and Communication Network for International Development

Montréal QC Canada G y

Alternatives International

Alter-Inter Montréal QC Canada F

Alternatives to Neo-Liberalism in Southern Africa

ANSA 2003 Harare Zimbabwe D

Aluminium Stewardship Initiative


Amazon Conservation Association

ACA 1999 Washington DC USA G

Amazon Conservation Team

ACT Falls Church VA USA G

AMC Institute

1963 Alexandria VA USA G j

AmChams in Europe

1963 Ljubljana Slovenia E

American Enterprise Institute

AEI 1943 Washington DC USA G j

American Fisheries Society

AFS 1870 Bethesda MD USA G v

Americas Research Industry Alliance


Americas' Central Securities Depositories Association

ACSDA 1999 Lima Peru D


1977 Brussels Belgium D

Amphibian Ark

AArk 2007 Apple Valley MN USA E y

Amusement Industry Manufacturers and Suppliers International

AIMS International 1994 Santa Ana CA USA G t

Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems

AnaEE-ERIC 2022 Gif-sur-Yvette France E

Andean Center of Popular Action

1977 Quito Ecuador G

Andean Institute of Ecology and Development

Cusco Peru G j

Andean Social Management Corporation

1989 Quito Ecuador N

Annual Meeting in Conservation Genetics

2015 S c

Antarctic and Southern Ocean Coalition

ASOC 1978 Washington DC USA F y

Anti-Persoonsmijnen Ontmijnende Productontwikkeling

APOPO 1998 Antwerp Belgium G

Anti-Slavery International

1839 London UK C v

Antidote Europe

Paris France D

APEC SME Innovation Center

SMEIC 2004 Gyeongsan Korea Rep E

Appel détresse

1974 La Chapelle-sur-Erdre France N

Appita - Australia and New Zealand Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Association

1947 Melbourne VIC Australia G t

APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe

1959 Brussels Belgium D t
