Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Industries, Innovation & Infrastructure

Goal 9 seeks to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Economic growth, social development and climate action are heavily dependent on investments in infrastructure, sustainable industrial development and technological progress. In the face of a rapidly changing global economic landscape and increasing inequalities, sustained growth must include industrialization that first of all, makes opportunities accessible to all people, and second, is supported by innovation and resilient infrastructure.

Even before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, global manufacturing – considered an engine of overall economic growth – has been steadily declining due to tariffs and trade tensions. The manufacturing decline caused by the pandemic has further caused serious impacts on the global economy.

This is primarily due to high inflation, energy price shocks, persistent disruptions in the supply of raw materials and intermediate goods, and global economic deceleration.

While LDCs in Asia have made considerable progress, African LDCs would need to change the current trajectory and accelerate progress significantly to attain the target by 2030. However, medium-high and high-technology industries demonstrated robust growth rates.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Agreement on Aerial Navigation with a View to the Application of Article 128 of the Treaty of Trianon

1927 T g

Agreement on Aerial Navigation with a View to the Application of Article 144 of the Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye

1927 T g

Agreement on Aerial Navigation with a View to the Application of Article 198 of the Treaty of Versailles

1926 T g

Agreement on Aerial Navigation with a View to the Application of Article 89 of the Treaty of Neuilly

1927 T g

Agreement on Certain Measures to Facilitate Customs Clearance of Products Covered by the ECSC Treaty Carried by Rail

1962 T g

Agreement on Cooperation among Maritime Trade Shipping Organizations

1971 T g

Agreement on Cooperation in the Technical Supervision and the Classification of Ships

1961 T g

Agreement on General Conditions for the International Carriage of Passengers by Bus

1970 T g

Agreement on Governmental Supervision of the Operation of the Aeroplanes Involved under Technical Cooperation Agreements between Air France, Lufthansa and Sabena

1976 T g

Agreement on Illicit Traffic by Sea, Implementing Article 17 of the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

1995 Strasbourg France T g

Agreement on Patents and Privileges of Invention

1911 T g

Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing

2009 T g

Agreement on Research Participation and Technical Exchange in the In-pile CABRI and Annular Core Pulsed Reactor Research Programs Related to Fast Reactor Safety

1978 T g

Agreement on Road Transport

1955 T g

Agreement on Roads and Waterways

1911 T g

Agreement on Signs for Road Works

1955 T g

Agreement on Special Equipment for the Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Use of Such Equipment for the International Transport of Some of Those Foodstuffs

1962 T g

Agreement on Special Maritime Border Zone

1954 T g

Agreement on Tariff of Navigation Dues at the Sulina Mouth of the Danube

1908 T g

Agreement on the Adoption of the Inter-American Manual on Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways

Agreement of Caracas 1979 Washington DC USA T g

Agreement on the Co-ordination of the Distribution of Channels for Mobile Maritime Service in the Band 2065 to 2107 Khz

1980 T g

Agreement on the Conveyance in Transit of Deported Persons

1965 T g

Agreement on the Exploitation and Conservation of the Maritime Resources of the South Pacific

1952 T g

Agreement on the Global Weather Experiment

1979 T g

Agreement on the Harmonisation of Fiscal Incentives to Industry

1973 T g

Agreement on the Implementation of a European Telecommunications Project on the Topic 'aerial Network with Phase Control'

1972 T g

Agreement on the Implementation of a European Telecommunications Project on the Topic: Aerials with Reduced First Side-lobes and Maximum G/T Yield

1971 T g

Agreement on the International Carriage of Passengers by Road by Means of Occasional Coach and Bus Service

ASOR 1982 T g

Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage

ATP 1970 T g

Agreement on the Joint Financing of Certain Air Navigation Services in Greenland and the Faeroe Islands

1956 T g

Agreement on the Joint Financing of Certain Air Navigation Services in Iceland

1956 T g

Agreement on the Practical Application of the Provisions of Article 83bis of the Convention on International Civil Aviation

1994 T g

Agreement on the System of Central American Integrated Industries

1958 T g

Agreement on the Temporary Importation, Free of Duty, of Medical, Surgical and Laboratory Equipment for Use on Free Loan in Hospitals and other Medical Institutions for Purposes of Diagnosis or Treatment

1960 Strasbourg France T g

Agreement on the Transfer of Corpses

1973 Strasbourg France T g

Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft

1979 T g

Agreement Providing for the Provisional Application of the Draft International Customs Conventions on Touring, on Commercial Road Vehicles and on the International Transport of Goods by Road

1949 T g

Agreement Regarding Certain Questions Connected with the Regime Applicable to Navigation on the Rhine

1939 T g

Agreement Regarding Cooperation in the Field of Civil Aviation

1951 T g

Agreement Regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel, 1938

1938 T g

Agreement Regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel, 1939

1939 T g

Agreement Regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel, Brussels

1938 T g

Agreement Regarding Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel, Paris

1938 T g

Agreement Regarding Financial Guarantees to Certain Airlines, 1951

1951 T g

Agreement Regarding Financial Guarantees to Certain Airlines, 1955

1955 T g

Agreement Regarding Financial Guarantees to Certain Airlines, 1959

1959 T g

Agreement Regarding the Mutual Recognition of Documents of Identity for Aircraft Personnel

1938 T g

Agreement Regarding Tourist Traffic

1938 T g

Agreement Relating to a Joint Ocean Weather Station in the North Atlantic

1949 T g

Agreement Relating to Governmental Supervision of Airworthiness, Operation and Maintenance of Aeroplanes Involved under the Technical Cooperation Agreements between KLM, SAS, Swissair and UTA

1972 T g
