Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

Decent Work and Economic Growth

Goal 8 is about promoting inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.

Multiple crises are placing the global economy under serious threat. Global real GDP per capita growth is forecast to slow down in 2023 and with ever increasing challenging economic conditions, more workers are turning to informal employment.

Globally, labour productivity has increased and the unemployment rate has decreased. However, more progress is needed to increase employment opportunities, especially for young people, reduce informal employment and labour market inequality (particularly in terms of the gender pay gap), promote safe and secure working environments, and improve access to financial services to ensure sustained and inclusive economic growth.

The global unemployment rate declined significantly in 2022, falling to 5.4 per cent from a peak of 6.6 per cent in 2020 as economies began recovering from the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. This rate was lower than the pre-pandemic level of 5.5 per cent in 2019.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Agreement Concerning Sickness Benefits and Benefits in Respect of Pregnancy and Confinement

1975 T g

Agreement Concerning the Conditions of Employment of Rhine Boatmen

1954 T g

Agreement Concerning the International Savings Bank Service, 1957

1957 T g

Agreement Concerning the International Savings Bank Service, 1964

1964 T g

Agreement Concerning the International Savings Bank Service, 1969

1969 T g

Agreement Concerning the Legal Status of Staff Employed in Nordic Institutions

1974 T g

Agreement Concerning the Preparation of a Transit Card for Emigrants

1929 T g

Agreement Concerning the Social Security of Rhine Boatmen, 1950

1950 T g

Agreement Concerning the Social Security of Rhine Boatmen, 1961

1961 T g

Agreement Concerning the Social Security of Rhine Boatmen, 1979

1979 T g

Agreement Concerning Transfers between Sick Funds and Sickness Benefits During Temporary Residence

1956 T g

Agreement Concerning Transfers of Persons Insured for Sickness Benefit and Concerning Sickness Benefit During Temporary Residence

1967 T g

Agreement for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income and for the Encouragement of International Trade and Investment

1973 T g

Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks

1995 T g

Agreement for the Promotion of Commercial Exchanges

1937 T g

Agreement on Collaboration in the Development and Exploitation of the Gas Centrifuge Process for Producing Enriched Uranium

1970 T g

Agreement on Cooperation among Air Traffic Companies

1965 T g

Agreement on Cooperation in Monetary, Economic and Financial Matters

1960 T g

Agreement on Cooperative Assistance to Kenya

1967 T g

Agreement on Cooperative Enforcement Operations Directed at Illegal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora

1994 T g

Agreement on Economic and Technical Cooperation

1970 T g

Agreement on Government Procurement

1979 T g

Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures

1979 T g

Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing

2009 T g

Agreement on Reciprocal Access to Fishing in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat

1966 T g

Agreement on Simplification of Visa Procedures for the Businessmen of ECO Countries

1995 T g

Agreement on Social Security

1977 T g

Agreement on the Action Plan for the Environmentally Sound Management of the Common Zambezi River System

1987 T g

Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats

EUROBATS 1991 Bonn Germany T g

Agreement on the Exploitation and Conservation of the Maritime Resources of the South Pacific

1952 T g

Agreement on the Extension of Certain Measures Relating to Social Security

1977 T g

Agreement on the Harmonisation of Fiscal Incentives to Industry

1973 T g

Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials

1950 Paris France T g

Agreement on the Preparation of a Tripartite Environmental Management Programme for Lake Victoria

1994 T g

Agreement on the Temporary Importation, Free of Duty, of Medical, Surgical and Laboratory Equipment for Use on Free Loan in Hospitals and other Medical Institutions for Purposes of Diagnosis or Treatment

1960 Strasbourg France T g

Agreement Regarding Decennial Liability and Insurance of Certain Architects and Contractors

1979 T g

Agreement Regarding Rules for Recognition of Contribution Periods and Periods of Employment in the Case of Persons Covered by Unemployment Insurance Who Remove from One Country to Another

1959 T g

Agreement Regarding the Regulation of Plaice and Flounder Fishing in the Baltic Sea

1929 T g

Agreement Relating to Economic Cooperation

1952 T g

Agreement Relating to the International Convention for Regulating the Police of the North Sea Fisheries

1955 T g

Agreement Relating to the Naval and Air Bases Leased to the United States of America

1941 T g

Agreement to Promote Compliance with the International Conservation and Management Measures by Fishing Vessels on the High Seas

1993 Rome Italy T g

Agreement with a View to the Administrative and Technical Re-organization of the Southern Railway Company's System

1923 T g

Agreements Regarding the Regulation of Beef Imports into the United Kingdom

1939 T g

Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa

AEASA 1961 Pretoria South Africa N

Agriculture, Land and Water Use Commission for the Near East

ALAWUC Cairo Egypt E gy

Agroecology Fund

AEF 2012 F f

Aid to Children Without Parents

ACWP 1988 San Jose CA USA N v

Aide au développement international

ADI 1998 Liège Belgium G

Aide et action France

1981 Paris France G
