Global Civil Society & the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

No Poverty

Eradicating extreme poverty for all people everywhere by 2030 is a pivotal goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Extreme poverty, defined as surviving on less than $2.15 per person per day at 2017 purchasing power parity, has witnessed remarkable declines over recent decades.

However, the emergence of COVID-19 marked a turning point, reversing these gains as the number of individuals living in extreme poverty increased for the first time in a generation by almost 90 million over previous predictions.

Even prior to the pandemic, the momentum of poverty reduction was slowing down. By the end of 2022, nowcasting suggested that 8.4 per cent of the world’s population, or as many as 670 million people, could still be living in extreme poverty. This setback effectively erased approximately three years of progress in poverty alleviation.

If current patterns persist, an estimated 7% of the global population – around 575 million people – could still find themselves trapped in extreme poverty by 2030, with a significant concentration in sub-Saharan Africa.

A shocking revelation is the resurgence of hunger levels to those last observed in 2005. Equally concerning is the persistent increase in food prices across a larger number of countries compared to the period from 2015 to 2019. This dual challenge of poverty and food security poses a critical global concern.

Name Acronym Founded City HQ Country/Territory HQ Type I Type II

Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific

ADFIAP 1976 Makati Philippines C y

Association of Fundraising Professionals

AFP 1960 Arlington VA USA G t

Association of Pension and Social Funds of the CIS

APSF 1992 Moscow Russia E

Association of Private Organizations for Development Service

1967 Bonn Germany G y

Association of Retired International Civil Servants, Austria

ARICSA 1993 Vienna Austria G

Association of Telemessaging Services International

ATSI 1946 St Paul MN USA N

Association of Universities Entrusted to the Society of Jesus in Latin-America

1985 Mexico City Mexico E y

Association of Yacht Support Services

AYSS 1991 C

Association Points-Coeur

1990 Geneva Switzerland C

Association pour le développement agro-industriel du Sahel

ADAIS 1983 Vaux-en-Bugey France G t

Association Roger Riou

1975 Paris France G

Association transnationale de service civique

ATSC 1980 Geneva Switzerland F

Associazione New Humanity

Milan Italy N

Associazione per la Cooperazione Internazionale allo Sviluppo, ETS

COOPERMONDO 2007 Rome Italy G

Associazione Volontari Iniziative di Sviluppo Economico e Sociale

VISES 1987 Rome Italy G

Assurance Services International

ASI 2006 Bonn Germany F

ATD Fourth World International

1958 Pierrelaye France F

Ateliers sans frontières

2003 Bonneuil-sur-Marne France G

Atlas Service Corps

2006 Washington DC USA G

Aura Freedom International

Toronto ON Canada G

Australian Council for International Development

ACFID 1965 Deakin ACT Australia G y

Avenir pour l'Enfant des Rizières

AER 1979 Toulouse France G


1961 Fitzroy VIC Australia G

Aviation Security Services Association - International

ASSA-I 2002 Brussels Belgium D

AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center

1971 Tainan Taiwan E g

AVSI Foundation

1972 Milan Italy G f

Aya Worldwide

2010 Chicago IL USA G

B'nai B'rith International

BBI 1843 Washington DC USA C v


2004 Irving TX USA G

Balkan Civil Society Development Network

BCSDN 2003 Skopje North Macedonia F

Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens

BKMC 2015 Vienna Austria E

Band Aid Charitable Trust

1985 London UK G

Banking With the Poor Network

BWTP Network Kenmore QLD Australia F

Baptist Mission Australia

1864 Hawthorn East VIC Australia G

Baptist World Aid

BWAid 1920 Falls Church VA USA F

Baptist World Aid Australia

1959 North Ryde NSW Australia G

BarefootLawyers International

1998 Berkeley CA USA G

BARKA Foundation for Mutual Help

Poznań Poland G f

Basic Income Earth Network

BIEN 1986 London UK F

Batey Relief Alliance

BRA 1997 Brooklyn NY USA G

BATIK International

1998 Paris France G

Belgian Fund for Food Security

BFFS 1983 Rome Italy G fg

Bénédictines Adoratrices de Bellemagny

1851 Bellemagny France R

BERAS International Foundation

2015 Järna Sweden F f

Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation

BRPF 1963 Nottingham UK F f

Bhaktivedanta Library Services asbl

Septon-Durbuy Belgium G

Biovision Africa Trust

BvAT 2009 Nairobi Kenya J

BirdLife International

1922 Cambridge UK B

Blessings International

BI 1981 Tulsa OK USA G

Blockchain Philanthropy Foundation

2017 N f
