UIA Newsroom
De Unie van Internationale Verenigingen (UIA) opent registratie voor haar Ronde Tafel voor Verenigingen Brussel 2022
De 15de Ronde Tafel voor Verenigingen Brussel van de UIA zal plaats vinden in het Marriott Grand Place in Brussel, België op 20 mei 2022
The UIA welcomes its newest Associate Member Taipei City Government.
The UIA welcomes its newest Associate Member Conference Advice.
The 212th Session, Oct 2021, of the UNESCO Executive Board renewed the associate status of the Union of International Associations through 2029.
UIA is proud to continue to be an NGO in official partnership with UNESCO (associate status).
On 8 December at 10:00-12:00 (Strasbourg time) the Expert Council on NGO Law organises a launch of the study on the legal status of NGOs and on the implementation of the Recommendation (2007)14 of CoE Committee of Ministers to member states on the legal status of non-governmental organisations in Europe .
Union of International Associations (UIA) holds hybrid Associations Round Table Europe in Prague
UIA’s 14th Associations Round Table Europe took place at the Prague Congress Centre in Prague, Czech Republic on 18 & 19 November – hosted by Prague Convention Bureau (PCB)
The Associations Round Table Europe event of the Union of International Associations (UIA) was held in the Prague Congress Centre on November 18 & 19. This 14th Round Table Europe, hosted by the Prague Convention Bureau, took place in a hybrid format, which provided an excellent solution for those delegates unable to attend the event in-person.
The UIA welcomes its newest Associate Member Live Riga.
UIA Survey 2021 – COVID 19 Impact on International Association Meetings
The UIA welcomes its newest Associate Member Xi'an International Convention and Exhibition Center.
News from sources other than the UIA. International organizations listed in the Yearbook of International Organizations, and UIA's members may add their own public news items.
Note: The UIA reserves the right to remove any posts it deems inappropriate for this list, for example commercial ads.
The 45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR 2024) is the first large international space event to be held in Korea since the foundation of the Korea Aerospace Administration (KASA). The Committee on Space Research is the largest consortium on space science in the world, and COSPAR 2024 brought together about 2,700 space scientists from approximately 60 countries, creating an opportunity to promote Korea’s achievements in space science over the years.
From July 13 to 21, the 45th Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR 2024) was held at Busan’s BEXCO. The Committee on Space Research is the largest consortium on space science in the world, and COSPAR 2024 rallied about 2,700 space scientists from approximately 60 countries for discussions around future directions and international cooperation in space development.
To investigate the current development status of the Chinese sericulture and silk industry, strengthen exchanges and cooperation between silk enterprises in China and Brazil, and promote mutual visits and interactions among member enterprises of ISU, from June 12 to June 21, 2024, a delegation consisting of five members, including Renata Amano, Vice-Chairwoman of ISU, President of Brazilian Silk Association, and COO of BRATAC, Anna Beatriz Kariya, Manager of Supply Chain Department, Gabriele
To research the current development status of the Chinese sericulture and silk industry, strengthen visits and interactions among sericulture and silk enterprises and organizations of various countries, and promote exchanges and cooperation between International Silk Union (ISU) and International Sericultural Commission (ISC), from May 26 to June 3, 2024, ISC Secretary-General Periyasamy Sivakumar, Executive Director Dileep Kumar R, Project Coordinator Padmanav Nayak and representatives from
To investigate the current state of China's sericulture and silk industry, enhance exchanges and cooperation between Chinese and French silk enterprises, and facilitate interactions among members of ISU, a delegation visits China from May 19 to 21, 2024. The delegation includes Xavier Lepingle, Vice Chairman of ISU and Vice President of UNITEX, CEO of Holdings Textile Hermès(HTH); Alexandra Thuriot, Quality Director of HTH; and Thierry Lanier, Director of Research and Development of HTH.
To further strengthen exchanges and interactions with sericulture and silk organizations and enterprises in Southeast Asia, and to understand the development conditions and supportive policies of the sericulture and silk industries in various Southeast Asian countries, from May 7th to May 13th, 2024, Zhang Guoqiang, Chairman of ISU and Chairman of the Board of Cathaya Group, leads a delegation to inspect the sericulture and silk industries in Thailand, Laos, and Cambodia, and holds the discus
Dear Colleagues
Below is the Call for Abstracts (with links), for the (SCOPUS / ISI) SOAS GLOCAL AFALA 2024, the African Assembly on Linguistic Anthropology, December 4-7, 2024. The major event will foreground the Linguistic Anthropology, Sociolinguistics, and Language and Society of Africa, globally. Please be at liberty to disseminate this CFA / CFP to networks.
If you want to make the best of your business trip by getting work done while also being able to enjoy yourself as reward for your hard work, you will want to prepare your itinerary so that it is packed full of activities and fun. You will also want to have the time and energy to enjoy that itinerary.
A pioneering hub for brilliant ideas exchange in Asia
22nd May 2024 - For Immediate Release
Experts from the UK, United States and Europe will meet in London in early July to discuss the risks and opportunities of Climate Change, Artificial Intelligence, Uncertainty, Legal and other issues within the familiar spreadsheet environment.