Include organizations involved in foundation, previous titles, where the organization is registered, etc.
List the main governing and structural organs, commissions and committees only. Please do not list officers.
How is the organization financed? What is the annual budget?
Indicate any international inter-governmental bodies with which the organization has formal contacts.
Indicate any international non-governmental bodies with which the organization has formal contacts.
Indicate any other field(s) in which the organization has activities. Treaties that the organization manages should also be listed here.
Please tell us about past and future international events of the organization (conferences, seminars, etc).
Journals, books, newsletters, databases, RSS feeds (with titles, author, frequency, dates)
Other countries/territories not in the lists? Please add them here.
Other countries/territories not in the lists? Please add them here.
Other countries/territories not in the lists? Please add them here.
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