List of All UIA Publications
This is a complete list of all UIA publications since its foundation in 1907. Some of these publications are available for sale. More information is available by clicking on the 'Read more' link. A number of the publications are held in UIA's archive, as indicated. For more information about consulting our archives, please see UIA Archives.
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UIA Pub Nr | Title | Year | Editor/Author | Publisher | ISBN/ISSN | Additional Information | |
032 | L'Union économique internationale et la Conférence de Bruxelles | 1912 | Eugène de Changy | Union of International Associations |
Extract from La vie internationale, 1912, 2 |
031 | Conséquences politiques mondiales de la Révolution chinoise | 1912 | K Wang Mou Tao | Union of International Associations |
Extract from La vie international, 1912, 2 |
030 | Coordination et coopération dans le domaine du mouvement international de la paix | 1912 | Christian L Lange | Union of International Associations |
Extract from La vie internationale, 1912, 1 |
029 | Grande-Bretagne et Allemagne: étude sur les caractéristiques nationales | 1912 | Haldane | Union of International Associations |
Extract from La vie internationale, 1912, 1 |
028 | La vie internationale et l'effort pour son organisation | 1912 | Henri La Fontaine, Paul Otlet | Union of International Associations |
Extract from La vie internationale 1912, 1. Re: Theory and General Studies |
027 | Catalogue général sommaire | 1912 | Musée international | Union of International Associations | |||
026 | La vie internationale: revue mensuelle des idées, des faits et des organismes internationaux | 1912 | Office Central des Associations Internationales (Ed) | Office Central des Associations Internationales |
Published from 1912 to 1914 |
025 | Union des associations internationales: constitution d'un centre international: déclarations et opinions sur l'organisation international, les associations internationales, documents et notices | 1912 | Union of International Associations (Ed) | Union of International Associations | |||
023 | Musée international: catalogue sommaire de la section de bibliographie et de documentation | 1912 | Union of International Associations (Ed) | Union of International Associations | Read online | ||
014 | Liste des associations internationales: noms et adresses | 1912 | Union of International Associations (Ed) | Union of International Associations | Abstract: UIA comments from 1950 bibliography: 503 groupements internationaux avec address | ||
013 | Liste chronologique des conférences: réunions et congrès à partir de 1911 | 1912 | Central Office of International Associations (Ed) | Office central des institutions internationales | |||
002 | Actes du Congrès mondial des associations internationales tenu à Bruxelles en 1910 | 1911-1912 | Central Office of International Associations (Ed) | Office central des institutions internationales | |||
047 | Annuaire de la vie internationale | 1911 | Union of International Associations (Ed) | Union of International Associations |
Former title of today's Yearbook of International Organizations. |
022 | Le musée international: notice sommaire | 1911 | Office Central des Institutions Internationales | Office central des institutions internationales | |||
016 | Office central des institutions internationales: liste des publications | 1911 | Central Office of International Associations (Ed) | Office central des institutions internationales | |||
015 | Office central des institutions internationales: son organisme, ses travaux et ses services | 1911 | Central Office of International Associations (Ed) | Office central des institutions internationales | |||
010 | Bulletin de l'Office central du 10 janvier 1911 | 1911 | Central Office of International Associations (Ed) | Office central des institutions internationales | |||
024 | Musée administratif international: catalogue: fonds de la participation du Gouvernement espagnol | 1910 | Central Office of International Associations (Ed) | Office central des institutions internationales | |||
020 | Central office of international institutions: notice anglaise | 1910 | Central Office of International Associations (Ed) | Office central des institutions internationales | |||
019 | Internacia muzeo: notice, catalogue en esperanto du musée international de langue espérantiste organisé par l'Office central espérantiste | 1910 | Centra Oficejo de la Internociaj Asocioj (Ed) | Office central des institutions internationales |